Meet Our Wellbeing Warriors

Our mental health and wellbeing champions group was formed earlier this year to encourage and support our staff to help their own and others mental health and general wellbeing.

They have been meeting regularly to review resources to share internally and have organised a number of events and activities; all in aid of supporting staffs wellbeing.

A number of the team have completed relevant training to become Mental Health First Aiders, which equips members with the tools, understanding and confidence to deal with a variety of mental ill-health and wellbeing issues.

The group plan around a monthly focus or ‘theme’, which cover issues such as sleep, stress and hobbies.

In their latest communcations, they shared the 5 Ways To Wellbeing:

  • Connect – feeling valued and close to other people is a fundamental human need and one that contributes to wellbeing.
  • Give – research suggests that individuals who report a greater interest in helping others are more likely to rate themselves as happy.
  • Take notice – this is appreciating the world around us and being present, often known as mindfulness.
  • Keep learning – using your brain to learn something new can help to improve your wellbeing.
  • Be active – staying active is effective to maintain your physical and mental health.

Please visit the Mind and NHS websites for more information on the 5 Ways To Wellbeing.

The importance of nutrition was also mentioned, and how this can play a large part in maintaining good mental health and wellbeing, as diet can directly affect how you feel. Improving your diet may help to improve your mood, give you more energy and help you think more clearly.

The group recently shared a combination of food and drink recipes and useful natural remedies, contributed from the wider staff. This included a recipe for a detox juice, the benefits of fermented foods and how to take an epsom salt bath.

As well as tips and advice, they have also organised a number of events. In November, staff joined together to take part in a walk and talk session along the pictoresque Montgomery Canal, near our Head Office of Welshpool. This combines connection, taking notice and staying active from the ways to wellbeing above.

Our wonderful wellbeing warriors continue to progress and review new ways of supporting all Cambrian Training staff and welcome suggestions and contributions.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from mental health difficulties, please explore the links below or contact the Mental Health Helpline For Wales: 0800132737

 The Samaritans              Mind                 Mental Health Matters Wales